
In 1995 I published my first book 'Chains Unbound: Slave Emancipations in Greenwich, Connecticut.' My original intention was for it to be used as an educational resource. This is an online companion site that I've created, especially for those of you utilizing online resources and smartphones. I've also included additional items and news articles not found in the 1995 edition. Jeffrey Bingham Mead, Historian and Author. October 13, 2014.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Emancipation of Willis Reynolds by Ard, Harriet and Elizabeth Reynolds, and Sally D. and Tompkins Close, Jr., Estate of Heusted Reynolds (1838)

by Harriet Reynolds, Tompkins Close, Jr., Sally D. Close,
Ard Reynolds (Guardian for minors), Elizabeth P. Reynolds
Volume 23, Page 456-457
Signed: May 3, 1838
Recorded: May 4, 1838

Whereas Willis Reynolds a coloured man and a Slave belonging 
to the estate of Husted Reynolds deceased late of the Town of Winson in 
the County of Bertie and State of North Carolina, and Whereas the exe-
cutors of said estate has permitted said Willis to come into the possession 
of certain legatees to said estate as owners of said Slave residing in 
the town of Greenwich in Fairfield County and State of Connecticut 
to writ Harriet Reynolds sister to said Husted Reynolds deceased and 
Elizabeth P. Reynolds, Sally D. Close and Tompkins Close Junr. her husband 
Ann Eliza Reynolds, John Reynolds, Harriet L. Reynolds and Julia-
Husted Reynolds, all children of Ard Reynolds brother of the deceased 
and the four last mentioned being minors under the age of twenty 
one years of whom Ard Reynolds their father is by the proper authority 
and according to the laws of the State of Connecticut appointed their 
Guardian to act and do for them in all matters that a Guardian can act 
for minors under the age of twenty one years, and whereas said present 
owners of said Slave are disposed to emancipate him according to the laws 
of the State of Connecticut. They have applied to us the subscribers viz 
Samuel Close, Esq. and Conklin Husted, Esq. both of the civil author
-ity of the town of said Greenwich in said Fairfield County. 
And whereas we the said authority having examined said Slave 
and find him to be in good health and not of a greater age than 
forty five years and that he is anxious to be made free. Now 
know ye that we the Civil authority do authorize said owners 
of said Slave to emancipate said Slave according to a certain 
Statute in the State of Connecticut entitled to prevent slavery and 
this our certificate to said owners of said Slave shall discharge 
them from any expense for the support of said Slave provided 
the letter of emancipation and the certificate be recorded in the 
record of the town where said owners resides, dated at Greenwich 
May the 3rd day 1838.

                                                                      Samuel Close     Civil
                                                                      Conklin Husted   Authority

Know all men by these presents that We the Subscribers viz., 
Harriet Reynolds, Elizabeth P. Reynolds, Sally D. Close and Tompkins 
Close Junr. all of the Town of Greenwich in the County of Fairfield 
and State of Connecticut, and Ann Eliza Reynolds, John Reynolds, 
Harriet E. Reynolds and Julia Husted Reynolds, children of Ard 
Reynolds all of said Greenwich being all minors under the age 
of twenty one years, and having chosen our Father Ard Reynolds 
our guardian and he being appointed to the office and authorized
to act for us minors, and where as Willis Reynolds a slave belonging 
to the estate of Husted Reynolds late of North Carolina Deceased and
we bring legatees of said estate and said Willis having come into our
possession as owners of said Slave by the permission of the Executors
of said Estate. Know ye, as far as we are concerned as owners of said
Slave, we do hereby Emancipate said Willis Reynolds and relinquish
all our ownership and claim to him or his property and declare him 
free person to all intents and purposes as it regards us and that 
he may hold and own property and act for himself as another free 
citizen so far as we have any right to emancipate or make him 
free.  In witness whereunto we have subscribed our names and 
affixed our seals this 4th day of May AD 1838
In Presence of
Catherine Nash
Gary Lyman Nash
Harriet Reynolds  L.S.
Elizabeth P. Reynolds L.S.
Tompkins Close Junr.  L.S.
Sally D. Close  L.S.
Ard Reynolds   L.S.  
Guardian for the minors

Received to record May 4th 1838 
and recorded by me Samuel Close  Town Clerk

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